Back to AllFantasy collectionTotal games: 277Play nowDemoAnonymous BonanzaPlay nowDemo12 ZodiacsPlay nowDemoBeauty FairyPlay nowDemoCinderella's BallmBTC 91.24Play nowDemoDragon's ChestPlay nowDemoDragon Age Hold & WinPlay nowDemoFaerie SpellsBTC 1.9Play nowDemoPrincess of SkyPlay nowDemoVenetian MagicPlay nowDemoPinocchioPlay nowDemoWolf MoonPlay nowDemoBaba Yaga TalesPlay nowDemoAztec PowernudgePlay nowDemoDa Vinci's TreasurePlay nowDemoWitch SchoolPlay nowDemoJohn Hunter and the Tomb of the Scarab QueenPlay nowDemoMadame Destiny MegawaysPlay nowDemoPhoenix ForgePlay nowDemoVampires vs WolvesPlay nowDemoWild SpellsPlay nowDemoWolf GoldPlay nowDemo1 Reel - Queen Of WaterPlay nowDemo20 Super StarsmBTC 511.29Play nowDemoCinderellaShow more